Daniel Bigham Apps

Baby Names 1.01
Daniel Bigham
When my wife and I were expecting our first child, we foundchoosinga name to be quite challenging. A number of times shewould askexcitedly "What do you think of this name?" only for meto admitthat I didn't like her suggestion. After this happenedseveral timesshe got pretty discouraged.Instead of continuing on like this, we each individually rankedafew hundred names and then had the computer combine our rankingdataand sort the resulting list. Bingo! Although neither of ushadthought of "Eli" previously, there it was at the top of thelist,and we quickly came to agree that it was the one."Baby Names" will let you do just that. Each parentcanindividually rank each name with 1 to 5 stars. To save time,youcan completely skip over names that you really dislike. Oncedone,the results can be viewed, showing the top names. Any timeyounavigate to a new screen, your data will automatically be saved.Wewish you all the best and hope that you enjoy the process!Daniel, Meredith, and EliPS We'd love to hear what name you chose. Drop us aline!daniel.bigham@gmail.comKeywords: baby names, babies names, baby names for boys,babiesnames for boys, baby names for girls, babies names for girls,boybaby names, girl baby names, naming your baby, first names,givennames, babies, pregnancy, pregnant
Sync for iTunes 1.14
Daniel Bigham
Wirelessly sync your iTunes music to your Android device.